How to Turn off SOS on iPhone | Easy Steps

How to Turn off SOS on iPhone

Have you ever accidentally activated the crisis SOS on iPhone and found it to be a disturbing? In case so, you’re not alone. Many users have experienced the disturbance of setting off the SOS feature on their device unintentionally. Luckily, turning off the SOS include is a quick and simple process. In this article, we’ll direct you through How to Turn off SOS on iPhone, guaranteeing simply have control over when and how it is utilized.


  1. Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Emergency SOS”.
  3. In the “Emergency SOS” settings, you will find the option to disable the SOS feature. Simply toggle off the “Call with Side Button” or “Auto Call” option, depending on the model of your iPhone.
  4. Once you have turned off the SOS feature, you can exit the settings and go back to using your iPhone as usual.

What is SOS on iPhone?

SOS feature on your iPhone, let’s to begin with get it what it is. The SOS include is a built-in emergency include that permits users to quickly call for help in critical situations. When activated, it naturally calls emergency services and offers your area with them. This feature is planned to be a life saver in critical situations, such as accidents or health crises.

How to Turn off SOS on iPhone

Reasons to Turn off SOS on iPhone

Whereas the SOS include is without a doubt a significant security net, there are situations where you might need to disable it briefly or for all time. A few common scenarios incorporate accidental activations, undesirable calls to emergency services, or essentially needing to customize your device to suit your preferences.

How to Turn off SOS on iPhone

Disabling the features of SOS on iPhone is a simple process that can be exhausted many steps. Take after the instructions below to turn off the SOS feature on your device:

  1. Accessing Settings:
    • Unlock your iPhone and locate the Settings app. It’s typically represented by a gear icon on your home screen.
  2. Navigating to Emergency SOS:
    • Scroll down in the Settings menu and look for “Emergency SOS”. Tap on it to access the related settings.
  3. Disabling Auto Call:
    • Inside the Emergency SOS settings, find the “Auto Call” option. This feature automatically dials emergency services when the SOS shortcut is activated.
    • Toggle the switch next to “Auto Call” to the off position. This prevents your iPhone from making automatic emergency calls when the side or home button is pressed five times.
  4. Customizing Emergency Contacts:
    • While still in the Emergency SOS settings, you’ll audit and update your assigned emergency contacts.
    • Ensure that your emergency contacts are accurate and up-to-date. This information is vital in case the SOS feature is triggered.
  5. Testing the Changes:
    • To confirm that the SOS feature is turned off, attempt to press the side or home button five times. You should no longer see the emergency slider or initiate automatic calls.
  6. Considerations for Apple Watch Users:
    • If you own an Apple Watch paired with your iPhone, note that turning off SOS on iPhone will also disable it on your Apple Watch. Make sure to adjust settings accordingly on both devices.

It’s important to note that by turning off the SOS include, you’re disabling the emergency calling work related with the side button or programmed call feature. However, you’ll be able still manually call emergency services by dialing the appropriate emergency number (such as 911 within the United States) through the Phone app on your iPhone.

iPhone Emergency SOS

Accidental SOS Activation

To prevent accidental feature activation of SOS on iPhone, there are a few precautions you can take:

  • Adjust the click speed of the side button: On a few iPhone models, the SOS feature can be activated by pressing the side button quickly multiple times. You’ll be able adjust the side button press speed within the openness settings of your iPhone to form it less sensitive.
  • Use a protective case: In case you discover yourself accidentally pressing the side button as often as possible, consider contributing in a protective case that covers the side button or includes additional resistance to avoid unintentional activations.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Emergency SOS sequence: On a few iPhone models, the SOS feature can be activated by quickly pressing the side button and volume button together. By knowing the particular grouping for your iPhone show, you’ll be able avoid activating the SOS feature incidentally.

By taking these precautions, you can minimize the risk of accidentally activating the SOS feature on your iPhone and avoid any unnecessary emergency calls.


In conclusion, the SOS feature on your iPhone can be a helpful device in crises, but it can moreover be activated accidentally, causing burden. By taking after the basic steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able effortlessly turn off the SOS on iPhone and recapture control over its activation.

Also, taking preparatory measures to avoid inadvertent actuations can advance improve your generally user involvement.

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